If not treated immediately, relatively minor hip, ankle or foot pain can degenerate into a serious condition that could require surgery. Running pain in the joints is a lot like neglecting to change the brake pads on your car. Over time the pads can wear out and the metal to metal contact that results when you step on the brakes can cause grooves to form in the rotors. It is 100 times more expensive to replace rotors than it is to replace the brake pads. Runners are much better off addressing their running pain immediately than they would ever be by ignoring them. For runners, getting chiropractic treatments is like changing the brake pads.
Runners are urged not to ignore the pain or back injury and push through to the finish line. It is critical that a runner stops running at the first sign of hip, knee, ankle, or foot pain and immediately seek treatment. We will be able to evaluate the extent of the injury and recommend a course of treatment. Rest from running is the most obvious form of treatment and that is accompanied by adjustments of all of the joints from hip to toe as well as massage and heat treatments.