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Golf and Keeping Your Body Healthy

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If there is any one sport where players would benefit from a program of regular chiropractic care, it would have to be golf. Golfers are taught to keep their head and lower body still, right foot flat, and to “torque” their bodies at the waist, winding up back tension like a rubber band. This torque and release puts extreme tension on the lower back and eventually causes lower back discomfort or even lower back muscle, ligament, tendon or spinal disc injury. Chiropractic care offers golfers the potential for relief from lower back injury without relying on harmful pain medication or invasive unreliable surgery. Chiropractic care is so important to golfers that the PGA, professional golfers association, has employed Dr. Tom LaFountain as a member of its sports medicine team.
According to his website, “Dr. Tom LaFountain has provided chiropractic sports medicine services at over 100 PGA tournaments including – nine Masters tournaments, nine PGA Championship events, nine U.S. Opens, three Ryder Cups, and two President Cup events. Dr. Tom LaFountain’s overall treatments and evaluations on PGA golfers have exceeded 9,000 visits. He is currently the director of chiropractic services for the PGA Tour, a position he has held since 1997. Dr. Fountain has treated many of the game’s greats such as Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicholas, and Tiger Woods who all rave about the benefits of his treatments to relieve pain, loosen tight muscles, and enable them to swing freely. These golf greats, along with many other professional golfers, have provided written testimonials on the benefits chiropractic care has given them.
If you play golf regularly and are experiencing lower back issues such as stiffness or pain, you need to see a chiropractor that is experienced and knowledgeable about treatments for golfers. Even if you are not currently having negative lower back symptoms, we can loosen up tight lower back muscles, tendons, and ligaments and increase your lower back flexibility. This could have the positive benefit of helping you hit the ball straighter and farther. As a golfer I know that might be all the reasons you need to include a regular program of treatments with a Chiropractor in Arlington Tx in your golf game.

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